[Scarlet Blade] Patch v147 - [20/06/2024]

    A special event Dragon has landed in Chromia! Defeat this dragon for a chance of obtaining Dragon Claws, crowd favorite past event costumes, and other various items! For example: Skeleton Facepaint, Santa's Frosty Helper, Bunny Ears, Bunny...Read More

[Eden Eternal] Patch v122 - [06/06/2024]

  Quality of Life Updates Backpack Manager Update Added Blue Gear to the Auto-Trash and Auto-Sell feature! Fixed a bug in which Auto-Sell could on occasion sell the incorrect item! Updated the UI text to be cleaner and clearer! Gear Swap Update Increased the amount of Gear Swap options fr...Read More

[Eden Eternal] Patch v121 - [23/05/2024]

  Celestial Corridor The next expansion to the Celestial Corridor has arrived! This content is available to all players level 127 and above but is recommended for players level 130 to participate! The second expansion to Celestial Corridor features six new dungeons. Each dungeon is design...Read More

[VGN] Email Services - [23/02/2024]

Hey all, We apologize for the inconvenience regarding the email services. The issue should now be resolved however, the fix applied may take up to 24 hours to work. If the issue is still present by Monday we will take another look we just need to give it some time first beforehand. Thanks! ...Read More

[Eden Eternal] Patch v120 - [15/02/2024]

     Pet Skill Update It's been on the list for a while now but we have finally gotten around to revamping the pet battle skills! Pet skills have been poorly balanced for a while now with most of them being useless while having one or two of them being really broken (We're looking at you ...Read More

[Scarlet Blade] Patch v147 - [20/06/2024]

    A special event Dragon has landed in Chromia! Defeat this dragon for a chance of obtaining Dragon Claws, crowd favorite past event costumes, and other various items! For example: Skeleton Facepaint, Santa's Frosty Helper, Bunny Ears, Bunny...Read More

[Eden Eternal] Patch v122 - [06/06/2024]

  Quality of Life Updates Backpack Manager Update Added Blue Gear to the Auto-Trash and Auto-Sell feature! Fixed a bug in which Auto-Sell could on occasion sell the incorrect item! Updated the UI text to be cleaner and clearer! Gear Swap Update Increased the amount of Gear Swap options fr...Read More

[Eden Eternal] Patch v121 - [23/05/2024]

  Celestial Corridor The next expansion to the Celestial Corridor has arrived! This content is available to all players level 127 and above but is recommended for players level 130 to participate! The second expansion to Celestial Corridor features six new dungeons. Each dungeon is design...Read More

[Eden Eternal] Patch v120 - [15/02/2024]

     Pet Skill Update It's been on the list for a while now but we have finally gotten around to revamping the pet battle skills! Pet skills have been poorly balanced for a while now with most of them being useless while having one or two of them being really broken (We're looking at you ...Read More

[Eden Eternal] Patch v119 - [11/01/2024]

   Backpack & Bank UI Upgrade We have made some improvements to the backpack UI and bank UI to improve the experience for players on smaller screens but also allows us to increase the amount of space in the future! You can now adjust the amount of rows and columns visible on the backpack and...Read More

[Eden Eternal] [COMPLETE] Maintenance - [25/07/2024]

STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log ...Read More

[Scarlet Blade] [COMPLETE] Maintenance - [25/07/2024]

Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again!   ...Read More

[Scarlet Blade] [COMPLETE] Maintenance - [18/07/2024]

Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again!   ...Read More

[Eden Eternal] [COMPLETE] Maintenance - [18/07/2024]

STATUS: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again! ...Read More

[Scarlet Blade] [COMPLETE] Maintenance - [11/07/2024]

Status: ONLINE The server is now coming back online. You may now log into the game again!   Mystery Box i...Read More